POPS Waste Q&A- What is POPS?

What does POPs stand for?

Persistent Organic Pollutants

  •  What’s the problem with POPs?

The Environmental Agency has recently published three regulatory statements outlining its stance on the handling and treatment of soft furnishings containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs).  POPS are chemical substances that break down slowly, get into the food chain

  • What waste contains POPs?

POPs are normally found in the covers and foam used in manufacturing domestic furniture (Sofas, Kitchen and dining room chairs, home office chairs and more). These regulations mean this waste type can no longer be treated as general waste.

  • Why do I need to separate POPs containing waste and what happens to it?

In force from the 1st of January 2023, the environmental agency issued a statement on their enforcement position and what steps those handling waste upholstered domestic seating such as sofas must take to avoid enforcement action in the coming months. There are some significant changes to the way in which this type of waste is treated and disposed of.

This type of waste must now be incinerated (this can be a waste to energy facility) however most facilities require the material to be shredded prior to disposal as they cannot handle bulky waste.  The RPS (Regulatory Position Statement) document for shredding items at a waste treatment site sets out that operators must prevent water contamination and minimise airborne particulate with equipment to capture and abate emissions. Shredding must take place inside an enclosed building although for a short interim period this can be a temporary waste storage shelter enclosed on 3 sides with a roof but there is still the requirement to prevent particulates entering drainage systems and to minimise dust emissions.

Soft furnishings containing POPs must be stored in a secure building which prevents waste from escaping and access to members of the public. These cannot be stored for longer than six months and a fire prevention plan must be in place.

The Environment Agency also provided clarity on reusing items which may contain POPs.  For an item to be a non-waste product and not become a waste if it is reused, several conditions must be met, including ‘no more than minor repairs’ and it being donated for reuse.

  • What should I do?

Please do not put waste containing POPs (soft furnishings and padded seating for example) in your general waste. This includes large skips and bulk containers for bulky waste. Call your account manager or our customer service team to find out what you need to do going forward.

To read more about these new regulations and full guidance click here.  At Cawleys we can assist in disposing of your upholstered seating correctly and compliantly, contact us today to see how we can assist with your POPS needs. 




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